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Thursday 6 May 2010

Gradient Control

Useful link I found regarding working with the "Gradient Control" command which creates a ramp widget. This I have seen in a rigging showreel used to good effect to control the deformation of a characters torso/limbs and could be useful for the usbman rig.


  1. Hey, Klockworks here:
    Thanks for the link to my site. I haven't touched GUIs in MEL since 2009 so I don't know if dealing with a spline gradient control is still a pain. Though, it is not something I want to revisit to find out, haha.

  2. Hi Klockworks!

    Thanks for your response, apologies for the delay in response - but whats a year? I've been scouring the internet for quite sometime now for information regarding the Gradient control, yours was by far the most comprehensive I have come across thus far on the internet.

    Another pretty useful resource can be found at the "Rigging101" website, but you have to pay for that one.
